How to get filename of image used as image fill in table cell?

I'm designing a large photo-based book for a client and he came up with the idea to select the images to include and their sequencing by placing them roughly into a Keynote file. This sounded like a great idea in theory, but it appears that he placed the images as fills inside table cells and now I have no idea how to get their filenames.

The filename is the most important piece of information for me because I have a hard drive filled with 25,000+ images so I can't just search for the right one.

Is there any way to get the filename of an image fill inside a table cell? I know how to do this with a placed image (Image > File Info) but when I click on an image in a table cell all I get is this:

Table cell image

I really hope I don't have to go back to the client to ask him to do this all over—he's not very tech savvy and he's already put a lot of work into this one file.

I am using Keynote 6.2.2 on OSX 10.9.4.

Yes, you can find the information you need.

  • Save the Keynote file.
  • Locate the file in Finder
  • +Click or Right Click on the file
  • In the Dropdown, select Show Package Contents
  • There you should see a folder Data containing all the resources including images used in the file.

Keynote files are really packages of files that the application uses to build the presentation.

File structure, Keynote files

In the current version of Keynote, you could also click "View > Show Object List" to see the sidebar with full file names of images / videos.