API to automatically upload apk to Google Play? [closed]

Is there any API or tool that enables me to automatically upload an APK to Google Play? I want to automatically publish customized apps to my account without any manual steps or graphical interface.

I searched around but could not find any API for doing this (only android-publisher but it doesn't support publishing, despite its name). Did anyone solve this already, seems like a basic feature?

As of today there is a new official publishing API That allows you to upload to any channel (ie. alpha, beta...) or update title and description and more.

From the docs:

  • Uploading new versions of an app Releasing apps, by assigning APKs to various Tracks (alpha, beta, staged rollout, or production)
  • Creating and modifying Google Play Store listings, including
  • localized text and graphics and multi-device screenshots

Look here for more info: https://developers.google.com/android-publisher/

gradle-play-publisher is a Gradle plugin to upload your APK and app details to the Google Play Store.

I simply run ./gradlew publishApkRelease from my terminal and it uploads the APK and the summary of recent changes., there are more task like this available.

It uses the The Google Play Developer API

There is no official Google API for automating working with Google Play. (This is NOT true after July 2014)

You can create a script that encapsulates a web browser and simulates user bevahiour: find HTML fields, enter info there, submitting the page, etc.

We are working on such open-source Python tool: https://github.com/onepf/AppDF/tree/master/tools/uploader