Is it possible to take a screenshot from a dialog in Mass Effect 2?

I managed to bind a key to making a screenshot in Mass Effect 2. It works if I'm playing the game but as soon as I start a dialog with someone it is not working. Do you have any idea what could be the problem? Any workarounds?

Launching Mass Effect 2 via Steam (whether owned on Origin and added to your Steam library as a non-Steam game, or owned on Steam) will allow you to use F12 to take a screenshot via Steam on any screen in the game.

You could also use a program like FRAPS or GameCam to capture the screen.

Finally, it is possible to use Print Screen to take screenshots in Mass Effect 2 by running the game in bordered window mode. This will require the additional step of pasting it into an image editor like MSPaint though.

There are actually a couple of console commands available if you unlock and bind access to the console, but these do not appear to work:

shot         take a screenshot
tiledshot    takes a high resolution screenshot

It looks like these commands are supposed to save a screenshot to %My Documents%\BioWare\Mass Effect 2\ScreenShots however nothing seems to happen when using them. (Tested with the Steam release of the game)

After some research it turned out that the game itself does not let you do this but Fraps proved to be an excellent tool to do so without the hassle.