Is there anything I can do about someone who has pointed their domain at my ip?

Solution 1:

You could set up a virtualhost on your webserver for to grab all that traffic, and just have an index page that says "I am not". That would at least pull the hits out of your actual domain.

The whois information for has a contact phone number, address and email. You could try to contact them and let them know they are pointing to the wrong IP.

Solution 2:

Ok here is something that can be very good to do:

Add this under your "header" section at the top of your index page:

<base href="" target="_top"/>

(Complements of BillThor whos is a very senior member on this site)

By doing this, the person who has his domain pointed to yours .. once someone gets there and clicks on a link, it will redirect them to use your links so they only can steal the home page link and nothing else).

Unfortunately there is no way to stop these kind of people. but all you can do is do a redirect back to your links from his domain.

Another permanent fix to this pesky problem.

It depends on what server program you are using, but for, apache2 has its virtual host settings in the '/etc/apache2/site-enabled' directory. Basically, it has a default virtual hosts ('000-default') and this is set for the site for now. Thus, here is my approach.

  1. Copy the current 000-default to 010-somename. (Please be careful, 000-default is usually symbolic link file so you have to copy it from ../site-available/default.)

  2. Set the virtual host setting in 010-somename. Add these two lines below the first line

    '<VirtualHost *:80>':
  3. Make 000-default points to other directory (elsewhere). In '000-default' file, change 'DocumentRoot /var/www' to point other location like 'DocumentRoot /var/www-test'. The directory /var/www-test don't need to exists, If it is not exists, the connections using other domain name will get error.

  4. Restart apache2 : "sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart"

I hope this is helpful.