Disable SQL Server at windows startup (VS 2010)

You can control service startup in the services management console plug-in. Just:

  1. Start | Run
  2. Type services.msc
  3. Press enter

You'll find various services with names starting with "SQL Server". Just double-click to get the Properties dialog, choose either Disabled or Manual in the Startup type drop-down box, and click OK to save. (Manual makes it easy to start them when you need them, but it also means VS 2010 can start them without asking you [I don't know whether it does that, I'm just saying].)

What I do in the services section is set the Startup type to manual. Then I create a pair of batch files on my desktop. In that batch file I place the following two lines:

NET START <Sql Server Instance Name>
NET START <Sql Server Agent Instance Name>

That way when I need to run SQL Server, I can quickly start it without having to back in through the Services panel. Replace START with STOP in the other batch file to shut it down on command again.