How can I disable code first migrations

I have a code-first entity model in EF5. But I want to manage the database changes manually -- I do not want EF to modify my existing database and all its data. But when I make parallel changes in the EF mapping and in the database, EF refuses to operate properly telling me I need to use code first migration. How do I turn this off?

Solution 1:

set the Database.SetInitializer to null.

public class DatabaseContext: DbContext
    //the base accepts the name of the connection string provided in the web.config as a parameter
    public DatabaseContext()
        : base("DatabaseContext")
        //disable initializer

Solution 2:

So the most complete answer that I have found is this:

  1. Delete Migrations folder inside your project.
  2. Set Database.SetInitializer<DatabaseContext>(null); inside your DatabaseContext initializer.
  3. Delete the table __MigrationHistory inside your database. For EF6+ the table is located under Tables but for earlier versions it is located under System Tables.
  4. Build and run.
  5. Profit.

Solution 3:

If you want to completely turn off migrations:

However, I found it better to keep code first migrations enabled, but use the -Script option to have EF create a DB change script for me that I can apply to each database (development, QA, Production) manually:

Update-Database -Script -ProjectName MyProject -StartupProjectName MyProject

That way EF will create the change script for me, and I still have full control over changes being applied. I version the change scripts like any other source code.

Solution 4:

If you already used Migrations then changing only Initializer won't help. You need to go to Management Studio, open your database tables, go to System Tables folder and remove __MigrationHistory table that is located there (for EF6 and above, it's located directly under Tables). This will disable Migrations for good.