How to install Remastersys?

I want to install Remastersys, but I get the following error:

$ sudo apt-get install remastersys  
Reading package lists... Done  
Building dependency tree  
Reading state information... Done  
E: Unable to locate package remastersys

Searching for Remastersys in Software Center also doesn't give proper results:

remastersys search on USC

I have tried following these instructions and have added Software Sources as shown in the following screenshot, but I still get the same error:

software sources

Solution 1:

Use remastersys.

Please read the instruction carefully.

  1. In Firefox, go to :

    save file as text someplace where you can find it.

  2. In synaptic, go to Settings/Repositories; select Authentication tab and Import Key File just downloaded.

  3. Still in synaptic, go to Other Software tab and click Add, then enter the apt line

    deb oneiric main

  4. After adding it, a new apt line will automatically added ended with Source. You need to uncheck it

  5. Leave the repositories tab and "Reload".

  6. Search for remastersys and select for install. Edit/Apply Marked Changes.