How can I get more room in my inventory?

I'm tired of making trips back to my ship to offload materials when my inventory starts getting full. It looks like you start the game with one bag for items and another bag for the materials you mine such as dirt, cobblestone, etc, though it also appears that other than the game automatically choosing which bag to dumps something in, you can use the bags interchangeably (i.e., I can put a laser pistol in my material bag, if I want).

Is there any way, though, to get more bags or otherwise expand the size of my inventory? The current inventory screen looks like it has room for more, but I haven't found any yet.

enter image description here

Solution 1:

There is currently no way to increase inventory space, although, since this is still beta, I would expect this to change. But the current answer is no, those two bags are all you have. Obviously, once this changes, I will attempt to remember to come back and edit this answer.