Java Spring: How to use `@Value` annotation to inject an `Environment` property?

Solution 1:

public class SomeClass {

    private String key;


Solution 2:

You should be able to do this(assuming that you have a PropertySourcesPlaceHolderConfigurer registered)

private String key;

Solution 3:

You might also find it useful to provide a default value in case the variable is not defined:

private String key;

Otherwise you'll get an exception whenever some_property is not defined.

default_value can also be blank, in that case it will behave as if some_property was optional:

private String key;

(Notice the colon)

If the default value contains special characters (dot, colon, etc.), then wrap it in SpEL like this:

private String key;

Solution 4:

If you need to add an environment variable as default value.


This is a combination of two previous answers.