Resolve linux hostname in windows

Solution 1:

If you don't have a DNS server on your network (e.g. from your router), then you need to enable the Samba service and open up the NetBIOS ports (137-139) in your firewalls. The Fedora Firewall tools already have a default entry set up for this (may be described as something to do with "Windows File Sharing").

Solution 2:

It is an old question, but I hope that I still can help some people who are stuck on this issue.

On, for example, Ubuntu you can do the following:

Open the following file: /etc/nsswitch.conf

nano /etc/nsswitch.conf

Change this line:

hosts: files dns


hosts: files wins dns

Then install winbind:

sudo apt-get install winbind

Note: if you already have samba installed, you may find winbind is already enabled.

Check that the winbind service exists and is enabled:

sudo systemctl status winbind.service

You can enable the service as follows:

sudo systemctl enable winbind.service

Now your Linux hostname can be resolved on your Windows PC.

To find out what your hostname is on Linux use:
