How do I move my Tiny Death Star from my old iPad to my new iPad?

Solution 1:

As far as I can tell, Tiny Death Star data is not backed up to either iCloud or iTunes, so there is unfortunately no way to transfer the data. Hopefully, someone will find that I am wrong. :(

UPDATE: Version 1.2.2 appears to fix the issue.

I noticed the last update (Version 1.2.2) mentioned fixing "Reset Game Issues". I had kept my old iPad around to see if they fixed it, so I updated Tiny Death Star on my old iPad to Version 1.2.2 and performed another backup. When I restored this new backup to my new iPad, everything copied over successfully! Now witness the power of the fully armed and operational battle station!

Also, there appears to be a new screen in the app to help with resetting issues. Under menu, tap the Settings button at the top (it has a little wrench icon), then hit the "Help" button. This screen will show you a big long number that Disney may be able to use to restore your save file if you have further issues (though I did not need to resort to contacting them after all).

Solution 2:

The safest bet is to do a complete backup on your old iPad into iTunes. Next, plug the new one in, and restore the backup onto the new iPad. WARNING: This will replace all of the data from your new iPad with that of your old iPad. But, it should also bring the progress from your TDS with it.