How to disable Office key keyboard shortcut opening Office app?

I found that some of my keyboard shortcuts somehow trigger open office 365 welcome window. I'm a heavy autohotkey user and it looks like it have something to do with alt+shift. I tried to remove office alltogether, but then new window in chrome spawns on keyboard shortcut suggesting me to buy office. Can I remove it somehow?

P.S. Here's the link to popup: As you can see, from option is set to "OfficeKey". What is this OfficeKey then and how to change it or better completely remove?

P.P.S. As described here: it is added recently, and it looks like the reason in that I'm on developers edition of windows 10 with latest updates.

Here's the screenshot of browser popup: enter image description here

Just upgraded to Windows 1903 and hit this myself, seems Microsoft decided to assign the keyboard shortcut for the new Office App to Win+Ctrl+Alt+Shift! (aka HYPR key combination for QMK users)

Changing the open command for this keyboard shortcut to rundll32 resolved the issue for me. Using an elevated cmd, run the following command:

    REG ADD HKCU\Software\Classes\ms-officeapp\Shell\Open\Command /t REG_SZ /d rundll32

jfrmilner's answer works, but doesn't disable the application-specific hotkeys.

How to Remap the Office Key on Your Keyboard.


It involves restarting Explorer, so it's not pretty, but it is a fix.