Can I publish a private NuGet package?

I have an assembly that I have made which is very specific to my team at my company. I want to be able to use NuGet to make this assembly avaiable to other projects that my team and similar teams at my company are working on. However, the assembly isn't really code that I want to share with the world.

I know with Maven, you can create local repositories and source packages from a local repo. Does NuGet support similar functionality? Is there a way with NuGet to specify either a local repository or to have private packages?

Yes! You can host your own NuGet server!

The easiest way is creating a shared folder on your server and referencing that as your Nuget Server.

You can find more information about how to do that at: Hosting Your Own NuGet Feeds

Another option for hosting your own NuGet server is to use JetBrains TeamCity as a build server. The setup is described here.

The Team City server acts as a NuGet repository that would/could/should only be accessible within your company.

Based on your usage, there are free versions of the software.

It has some nice options such as the ability to publish a new NuGet version on demand, with each new continuous integration build, etc. One of the most useful bits (as with all NuGet server implementations) is that it will keep dozens of older versions of your assemblies so if you have one project that needs to reference the newest version, and another project that needs to reference an older version, everything will work out.