NVIDIA driver problem after updating to 12.04 [closed]

Looks like you didn't uninstall your previous driver version. This can happen because nvidia-current-dev is of version 295.40 and nvidia-current-updates-dev is of version 295.49 as reported.

If you've installed the nVidia driver from Ubuntu's Additional Drivers dialogue

, try sudo apt-get purge nvidia* then try reinstalling by sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates-dev then reboot.

If you have used the .run file from nVidia's website

then go to a console by pressing Alt+Ctrl+F1 and then run nvidia-xxx-pkg1.run --uninstall to remove the previous driver components. Now give a reboot and see if that works. If not, then execute sudo echo "blacklist nouveau" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf so that the default nouveau driver for nVidia chipsets are not loaded instead of proprietary one. Finally install packaged binary drivers by sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates-dev.

I had the same problem but the Ubuntu kernel version was 304.43 and my Nvidia driver version was 295.49. However, I solved it the same way.

sudo apt-get purge nvidia*

then after the process was complete...

sudo apt-get install nvidia-current-updates-dev

and then, after this process was complete I rebooted and everything worked perfectly!

I searched so much to find this solution. I had driver version 295.40. Actually I was installing latest nvidia driver version 295.59. It installed correctly.

But lightdm didn't load. I reinstlled lightdm and tried so many things.

Finally this command saved the day

sudo apt-get purge nvidia-current

I think Samik(person who replied above) explained the reason that driver version 295.40 did not unistalled correctly and may be that was causing the issue.

Also note that a new driver 302.17 has been released. It fixes a MAJOR SECURITY VULNERABILITY.

However, as of now nvidia site still show 295.59 as latest driver.

you can get 302.17 driver from this page:


302.17 driver (64 bit): http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-amd64-302.17-driver.html