running XAMPP does not work

i've tried to download XAMPP, untar it in /opt/lampp and launch

sudo ./lamp start

but i get this output:

Starting XAMPP for Linux 1.7.7...
XAMPP: Another web server daemon is already running.
XAMPP: Starting MySQL...
XAMPP: Couldn't start MySQL!
XAMPP: XAMPP-ProFTPD is already running.
XAMPP for Linux started.

so i opened synaptic and i have installed mysql server.

now i have 2 problems, if i restart my ubuntu 10.10:

  1. every time i restart my ubuntu i have to retype

    sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop

  2. if after stop mysql daemon i relaunch lampp i get same message: XAMPP: Couldn't start MySQL!

/var/log/mysql.err and /var/log/mysql.log are empty..

Solution 1:

I've resolved in this way:

sudo chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp
sudo chown -hR nobody /opt/lampp
sudo chmod -R 755 /opt/lampp

then I noticed that I have another mysqld instance running and stoped it with:

sudo service mysql stop

Solution 2:

This post on Stack Overflow helped me:

  1. Open etc folder in the XAMPP installation directory.
  2. Find my.cnf file and open it in any text editor
  3. Change Port from 3306 to 3307 (if you have installed skype or other apps)
  4. Add innodb_force_recovery=1 under myisam_sort_buffer_size=8M
  5. Save my.cnf file
  6. Open xampp: Goto Computer(opt)> Open lampp folder(Search "lampp" if u can't see lampp folder)> Open
  7. In XAMPP Click on "Manage Server" Tab> Click on "Mysql Database"> Click on "Configure"> Change Port from 3306 to 3307> save and start the mysql database.

You get a message "Starting MySQL SUCCESS!"

Solution 3:

sudo service mysql stop
sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart

It worked for me.