How to remove rainbow (pride) icon from sourcetree app?

I have a problem with Sourcetree App for Mac. I do not like the new icon, I prefer the standard one. How to restore it?

Close the app, run this one liner:

perl -i -p -e 's/Pridetree/Bridetree/;' /Applications/

Then restart the app.

You may want to backup just in case you want the colourful logo back.

Discovered on

The way to change icon for Sourcetree app

There is a solution how to change the icon for the Mac:

  1. Launch the app from
  2. On the - right click - show package contents - Contents - resources.
  3. Copy and sourcetree.icns to any folder.
  4. Run (from extracted zip, above)
  5. In ThemeEngine open file
  6. Extract icons from sourctree.icns file (simple copy-paste) and save new icons with Photoshop with 512x512 and 1024x1024 pixels. Or find any icons for replacing.
  7. Find the icon in the with name Pridetree.
  8. Copy a new icon (image) to the clipboard and paste to Pridetree icons.
  9. Save the document.
  10. Replace in the app Contents/Resources folder version of my Sourcetree is 3.0.1

Don't forget to create a backup file. Try this at your own risk.