Creating a custom ubuntu ISO

I want to create a custom ubuntu ISO (This ISO will contain all the packages with the latest updates released till date). Something along the lines of

  • Take the pristine ubuntu ISO
  • Download the updates from some ubuntu update repositories
  • Re-create the ISO?

How should I go about this?

Solution 1:

Ubuntu has Simple-CDD in its repos. At least for me, it does not seem to be working with Ubuntu though.

The Ubuntu Wiki has instructions about CD customization but I could not get custom GPG key working. In order to solve this, have a look at this Unix.SE answer.

Solution 2:

Canonical runs daily builds for most of their Ubuntu releases.

Here is Lucid Lynx (10.04 LTS):

For other images/versions look at the home directory of that website.

Solution 3:

Here's a couple of possibilities:

  • Ubuntu Customization Kit

    Ubuntu Customization Kit is a tool that helps you customizing official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. You can add any package to the live system, for example language packs, or applications.

  • Live CD Customization on the Ubuntu Wiki