Imfile in rsyslog running on AIX Server 7.2

AIX server's rsyslog (imfile module) is not forwarding custom application logs from a specific folder that has multiple log files generated each and every day. The log file's name pattern differs. I need help forwarding logs from those files and the files that will be generated in future. As of now in the configuration, i have given the wildcard (in $InputFileName) to read the files as .log. as per the file name's pattern.

The file names are as follows:


The imfile module configuration part is as follows:

$ModLoad imfile
$InputFileName /usr/bada/custom/application/*.log.*
$InputFileTag application1:
$InputFileSeverity info
$InputFileFacility local6

The version of rsyslog is:

rsyslogd 8.4.2, compiled with:
FEATURE_REGEXP:                          yes
GSSAPI kerberos 5 support:               No
FEATURE_DEBUG (debug build, slow code):  No
32bit Atomic operations supported:       Yes
64bit Atomic operations supported:       No
memory allocator:                        system default
Runtime Instrumentation (slow code):     No
uuid support:                            No
Number of Bits in RainerScript integers: 64

This rsyslog is running on the Operating system,

AIX 7.2

I know this is old but I believe the issue is that you are using the legacy $ModLoad syntax which I think doesn't like wildcards in the file name.

Try switching to "module(load="imfile")" and using the updated syntax like


Also found this info on wildcards from

Before Version: 8.25.0

Wildcards are only supported in the filename part, not in directory names.

/var/log/*.log works.

/var/log/*/syslog.log does not work.

Since Version: 8.25.0

Wildcards are supported in filename and paths which means these samples will work:

/var/log/*.log works. *

/var/log/*/syslog.log works. *

/var/log//.log works. *

All matching files in all matching subfolders will work. Note that this may decrease performance in imfile depending on how many directories and files are being watched dynamically.