What do I need to do to start working with Launchpad again on a new computer?

Solution 1:

On your old machine, you generated a SSH key and then added that to your Launchpad account. Bzr uses that key to acces launchpad. So if the key on your new machine doesn't match the one you uploaded to Launchpad, you will be unable to branch code from certain repositories on Launchpad.

Two solutions are possible. The first is of course to transfer your SSH keys from the old machine. You'd need to bring over two files: .ssh/id_rsa and .ssh/id_rsa.pub. Watch the permissions, as SSH is very strict about that.

The second solution, if you have no access to your old machine BUT you can log into your Launchpad account, is to add a new SSH key so that Launchpad will let the new machine access bzr branches, since it will identify the new key as belonging to you.

For this, on the Getting Set Up document you posted, follow the steps for "Create your SSH key" and "Upload your SSH key to Launchpad".

This will at least allow you to run bzr branch without problems.

So in a nutshell:

  1. Run ssh-keygen -t rsa
  2. Open .ssh/id_rsa.pub using a text editor (gedit will do)
  3. Copy the entire contents of the file (one very long line).
  4. Open https://launchpad.net/~/+editsshkeys on your browser
  5. Under "Add an SSH key", paste the line from step 3, then click on "Import Key".