How to favorite a server in-game?

Is there a way to easily favorite a server while a match?

I've looked through the list of console commands but haven't found anything of much use.

The closest commands I have found are:


If nonzero, auto-ask for local/LAN servers (for debugging)


If player stays on a server for longer than this time (in seconds) prompt to add server to favorites


If nonzero, don't auto-ask to favorite servers

However these don't allow me to just add the sever to my favorites at anytime i wish.

I'm looking for something like cur_server_favorite =1

~Maybe I've just missed something incredibly obvious but please someone point it out!

Solution 1:

The console isn't needed for this at all though there probably is a console command for it. Simply press ESC to open up the menu overlay and press the "Change Server" button. This opens the server browser with the server you're playing on highlighted, right click and select "add to favourites". Don't worry, everyone misses 'obvious' things.

Solution 2:

  1. "status" command
  2. Copy server IP:Port
  3. Go to Favorites tab in Server Browser
  4. Click "Add a server" button at the bottom an paste the IP:Port