UIScrollView works as expected but scrollRectToVisible: does nothing

Over a month later, and I finally figured it out. While the alternative above worked well, it has been bugging me and I had to finally figure it out. Turns out that it was somewhat of a stupid mistake.

Here's the old code in my viewDidLoad, where I set up the scrollView:

[clefScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(clefScrollView.contentSize.width, clefView.frame.size.height)];

The value of a scrollView height or width can't be 0! I think this got past me because I was assuming that ScrollView sizes start out with a valid size, and I was missing the fact that one dimension was zero!

This works:

[clefScrollView setContentSize:CGSizeMake(clefView.frame.size.width, clefView.frame.size.height)];

Hope this helps someone out there. I definitely spent way too much time trying to debug this.

Yeah, I have not had success with scrollRectToVisible:animated:, but setContentOffset:animated: always works for me. Out of curiosity, why do you not want to use setContentOffset:animated:? It seems to be the proper solution.

You might want to check and see that the scrollView's delaysContentTouches property is set to NO.

If you call the method scrollRectToVisible or setContentOffset from a touch within a subview of your scrollView then your scrollView could be holding things up by delaying touches.

So, make sure you set the following in your scrollView.

scrollView.delaysContentTouches = NO;

You will most likely be able to move the scrollView with and without animation set to YES.