Solution 1:

The most significant error in the log is:

The NT service 'SQLPBDMS' could not be stopped.

The steps to understand the state and corrext it would be:

  1. Confirm the state of the service by running the command:

    sc.exe queryex SQLPBDMS

    I assume the state is something like "Start Pending".

  2. Locate the process repsonsible for the service. The ImagePath value under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SQLPBDMS should help. Otherwise check in Services.msc You could try and kill the process if it is running.

  3. Reboot the computer, does it start and therefore in a better state to be stopped?

  4. Change the service startup type to manaual or disabled in Services.msc, and then reboot the computer.

Once the service is stopped then attempt to re-apply the update.