AngularJs: controller is called twice by using $routeProvider

Module routes:

var switchModule = angular.module('switchModule', []);

switchModule.config(['$routeProvider', function($routeProvider) {
    when('/build-content', {templateUrl: 'build-content.html', controller: BuildInfoController});


function BuildInfoController($http, $scope){


<html ng-app="switchModule">
        <li><a href="#build-content"/></a></li>
    <div class="ng-view"></div>

Each time when i click the hyperlink '', the 'BuildInfoController' will be called twice. Am i missing something here?

I had face same issue today. I had added controller name in my $routeProvider and also in my html.

    .when('/login', {
            controller: 'LoginController',
            templateUrl: 'html/views/log-in.html'

and in my view as

<div class="personalDetails" ng-controller="LoginController"> </div>

You can remove controller name either from your view or from your routeprovider.

I had the same problem , and it seems there is a stupid bug with routing. There is some kind of redirection going on.

to fix it , i just added a slash in the href , like :

<li><a href="#/build-content/"></a></li>

I hope it will fix things for you too.

I've had a similar problem. I found adding a trailing slash in the route but not in the link worked as expected.


With this markup

<li><a href="/build-content">Content</a></li>

And then AngularJS will correct the URL in the browser to what is defined in the $routeProvider.

Bizarrely the opposite seems to work too with a trailing slash in the link and not in the route. It seems as long as the trailing slashes don't match the resolves and controller won't be called twice!

Mine was a case of having 2 ng-view directives. I tried to wrap it, but unintentionally duplicated it:

<div class="ng-view">
    <div ng-view></div>

Removed the wrapper, fixed it.