Hiding samba share from browse list for unauthorised users

Solution 1:

To hide the full share, you can use the following option:

access based share enum = yes

To hide files/folders inside a share to users who do not have read permission on those files/folders, you can use:

hide unreadable = yes 

Solution 2:

You may use 'include' directive inside share definition section.

For example: 'smb.conf':

security = user

browseable = no
include = /etc/samba/per-user-config/%u.conf


browseable = yes

Please refer Samba official docs for more info and variables: http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch06.html

Solution 3:

Denis is almost right.

Unfortunately, as per Samba's official documentation (here), the user variable '%u' does not work with 'include'.

However, in most cases the home directory of the user has the same value as the username and you can use that instead like so:

browseable = no
include = /etc/samba/%U.conf

where %U (notice the capital U) will be the home directory of the current user. Now let's say the user is ethan with home folder ethan. In that case you will create a file in /etc/samba/ethan.conf with contents:

browseable = yes