Chrome undocumented keyboard shortcuts for images and links

Chrome's list of keyboard shortcuts don't list any that work with the right click menu. (I.e. when you right click, then press a key to do something.)

But there is at least one undocumented shortcut: if you right click an image, then press V, it will download the image.

Are there others, and they are simply undocumented, like pressing V? I'm talking specifically about images and links.

For example, Firefox has many of these kinds of shortcuts, indicated by underlining the letter to press:

enter image description here

Solution 1:

Nearly all menus, in nearly all Windows applications, have these shortcuts. Often they aren't indicated until you use the keyboard to actually open the menu, however.

Press either the Menu key or ShiftF10 to open the context menu for the selected item, and all shortcuts should become visible.