Common folder/file structure in Flask app

I have just created a flask application and so far I have a router for my "Hello world!" template.

I would like to add a little (a lot) more functionality, but I wonder how I should structure the app directory.

What's the most common way of structuring a Flask app? For instance, should I create a for all my routes? Where does the SQLAlchemy stuff go? Should models be in

Solution 1:

You should check out the Larger Applications page in the Patterns section of the Flask docs: It seems to be the model that most people follow when their application calls for a package instead of a module.

I believe is what you are calling After that, models would go in, forms would go in, etc.

Solution 2:

An example of a FlaskApp directory:

        /yourappenv - contains the actual python code that will import the app and start the development server. - stores configurations for your app. - initializes your application creating a Flask app instance. - this is where routes are defined. - this is where you define models for your application.
static - contains static files i.e. CSS, Javascript, images
templates - this is where you store your html templates i.e. index.html, layout.html
requirements.txt - this is where you store your package dependancies, you can use pip
yourappenv - your virtual environment for development