WebAPI Multiple Put/Post parameters

I am trying to post multiple parameters on a WebAPI controller. One param is from the URL, and the other from the body. Here is the url: /offers/40D5E19D-0CD5-4FBD-92F8-43FDBB475333/prices/

Here is my controller code:

public HttpResponseMessage Put(Guid offerId, OfferPriceParameters offerPriceParameters)
    var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(OfferPriceParameters));
    HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream.Position = 0;
    var what = ser.ReadObject(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream);

    return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.Created);

The content of the body is in JSON:

        "list": [

Any idea why the default binding is not able to bind to the offerPriceParameters argument of my controller? It is always set to null. But I am able to recover the data from the body using the DataContractJsonSerializer.

I also try to use the FromBody attribute of the argument but it does not work either.

public string MyMethod([FromBody]JObject data)
    Customer customer = data["customerData"].ToObject<Customer>();
    Product product = data["productData"].ToObject<Product>();
    Employee employee = data["employeeData"].ToObject<Employee>();
    //... other class....

using referance

using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

Use Request for JQuery Ajax

var customer = {
    "Name": "jhon",
    "Id": 1,
var product = {
    "Name": "table",
    "CategoryId": 5,
    "Count": 100
var employee = {
    "Name": "Fatih",
    "Id": 4,

var myData = {};
myData.customerData = customer;
myData.productData = product;
myData.employeeData = employee;

    type: 'POST',
    async: true,
    dataType: "json",
    url: "Your Url",
    data: myData,
    success: function (data) {
        console.log("Response Data ↓");
    error: function (err) {

Natively WebAPI doesn't support binding of multiple POST parameters. As Colin points out there are a number of limitations that are outlined in my blog post he references.

There's a workaround by creating a custom parameter binder. The code to do this is ugly and convoluted, but I've posted code along with a detailed explanation on my blog, ready to be plugged into a project here:

Passing multiple simple POST Values to ASP.NET Web API

If attribute routing is being used, you can use the [FromUri] and [FromBody] attributes.


public HttpResponseMessage AddProduct([FromUri()] int id,  [FromBody()] Product product)
  // Add product

We passed Json object by HttpPost method, and parse it in dynamic object. it works fine. this is sample code:


public string DoJson2(dynamic data)
   var c = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<YourObjectTypeHere>(data.ToString()); 

   var c1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject< ComplexObject1 >(data.c1.ToString());

   var c2 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject< ComplexObject2 >(data.c2.ToString());

   string appName = data.AppName;
   int appInstanceID = data.AppInstanceID;
   string processGUID = data.ProcessGUID;
   int userID = data.UserID;
   string userName = data.UserName;
   var performer = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject< NextActivityPerformers >(data.NextActivityPerformers.ToString());


The complex object type could be object, array and dictionary.

Content-Type: application/json,
data: {"AppName":"SamplePrice",

A simple parameter class can be used to pass multiple parameters in a post:

public class AddCustomerArgs
    public string First { get; set; }
    public string Last { get; set; }

public IHttpActionResult AddCustomer(AddCustomerArgs args)
    //use args...
    return Ok();