OData: Date "Greater Than" filter
Solution 1:
Figured this out.
OData V2 out-of-the-box returns dates out of SQL in JSON Date format like so:
However, in order to use a date as a filter within an OData call, your date has to be in EDM format, looking like this:
So, I needed to get the date from my initial OData call, then convert it to the EDM format for use in my subsequent OData calls, which look like this:
/Services/v001.svc/Orders?$filter=close_dt gt DateTime'2012-05-29T09:13:28'
I ended up creating a javascript function that does the formatting switcharoo:
function convertJSONDate(jsonDate, returnFormat) {
var myDate = new Date(jsonDate.match(/\d+/)[0] * 1);
myDate.add(4).hours(); //using {date.format.js} to add time to compensate for timezone offset
return myDate.format(returnFormat); //using {date.format.js} plugin to format :: EDM FORMAT='yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss'
A couple of notes:
- The JSON format does not seem to adjust for timezone, so the date returned does not match the date I see in my database. So I had to add time manually to compensate (someone please explain this).
- I am using the date.format.js plugin which you can download here for formatting the date and adding time.
Solution 2:
In OData V4 date filtering format has changed to $filter=close_dt gt 2006-12-30T23:59:59.99Z
For example
For previous versions of OData see previous answers
Solution 3:
If you use the datetime logic, you can do lt or gt.
e.g. ...mydomain/Services/v001.svc/Orders?$filter=close_dt gt datetime'20141231'