What's the purpose of tinyhippos-injected script?

I noticed that Google Chrome appends a little JS script before the <head> tag of any web document that I load (you can notice that if you look at the HTML code using inspect element):

<script id="tinyhippos-injected">
   if (window.top.ripple) { window.top.ripple("bootstrap").inject(window, document);

Out of curiosity, what does it do? Googleing around did not help.

I believe you have installed Ripple Emulator (Beta) which is adding this script

This script is inserted by Ripple Emulator(Beta) chrome extension, if it is enabled.Chrome Store Pic

Ideally it can be disabled by opening Ripple Mission Control, but it doesn't do that. Ripple Mission Control

To disable it for sure, you must disable Ripple Emulator(Beta) from chrome://extensions/ enter image description here

After looking into this further, please see this question.

Uncaught SyntaxError in JS and possibly Wordpress

It is the Blackberry emulator.