Cisco anyconnect keeps disconnecting and reconnecting

For some reason every few minutes Cisco anyconnect VPN client keeps disconnecting and reconnecting.

Example log:

  4:28:43 PM    Connected to
     4:34:10 PM    Reconnecting to
     4:34:10 PM    Establishing VPN - Examining system...
     4:34:10 PM    Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
     4:34:10 PM    Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
     4:34:10 PM    Establishing VPN...
     4:34:10 PM    Connected to
     4:35:30 PM    Reconnecting to
     4:35:30 PM    Establishing VPN - Examining system...
     4:35:30 PM    Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
     4:35:30 PM    Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
     4:35:30 PM    Establishing VPN...
     4:35:30 PM    Connected to
     4:49:35 PM    Reconnecting to
     4:49:36 PM    Establishing VPN - Examining system...
     4:49:36 PM    Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
     4:49:36 PM    Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
     4:49:36 PM    Establishing VPN...
     4:49:36 PM    Connected to
     5:19:20 PM    Reconnecting to
     5:19:20 PM    Establishing VPN - Examining system...
     5:19:20 PM    Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
     5:19:20 PM    Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
     5:19:20 PM    Establishing VPN...
     5:19:20 PM    Connected to
     5:21:46 PM    Reconnecting to
     5:21:46 PM    Establishing VPN - Examining system...
     5:21:46 PM    Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
     5:21:46 PM    Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
     5:21:46 PM    Establishing VPN...
     5:21:46 PM    Connected to
     5:27:31 PM    Reconnecting to
     5:27:31 PM    Establishing VPN - Examining system...
     5:27:31 PM    Establishing VPN - Activating VPN adapter...
     5:27:31 PM    Establishing VPN - Configuring system...
     5:27:31 PM    Establishing VPN...

I am on latest 4.6.01103

Solution 1:

For me what solved this is to work only on wifi or only on wired ethernet connection (I disabled the wifi adapter (in Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network Connections in win10)

Now everything is stable!

Solution 2:

I had the same issue and inspired by thedrs answer, I disabled all network adapters I didn't need for the VPN connection.

It turned out that the Hyper-V machine (and the corresponding virtual Ethernet adapter) I had running were causing it. After shutting down the virtual machine, no more reconnects occurred.

Solution 3:

I know this thread is old but I just ran into this problem (it would reconnect at least several times/hour - sometimes several times within a 60 second span). The above two solutions didn't work for me (disabling unused network connections, shutting down hyper-v machine) but what DID work for me was disabling IPV-6 under network connections:

Open up network connections, right click on wi-fi or ethernet, go to properties and uncheck the box corresponding to Internet Protocol Version 6.

I thought I saw that suggestion in this thread, but I can't find it anymore. Good luck!