Mac-like alt-tab replacement for Windows 7? [closed]

I happened to have written a script that does (almost) just the thing, using AutoHotkey. It's a lot closer than simply remapping ALT+` to ALT+F6.

If getting AutoHotkey set up with this code is too much overhead, just ask, and I will gladly post a lightweight compiled executable that will run in the background.

Otherwise, download cycleWindow.ahk and its dependency Thumbnail Lib.ahk, then execute the following AHK code to create your ALT+` hotkey:

#Include cycleWindow.ahk

This switches windows of the same class, just like in Mac OS. However, Alt-Tab will still function as usual for Windows.

Win+T cycles between the apps in the taskbar. Or press Win+T once and then use the left/right arrow keys to move between apps.

It's not quite the same behavior as Cmd+Tab because the Cmd+Tab list is dynamically updated to reflect the retrospective order in which the apps have been accessed, whilst the Windows taskbar order is manually controlled.

But its a matter of opinion as to whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I would also like to see a Cmd+Tab clone for Windows.

Using AutoHotkey, you can get a Command-Tilde equivalent by mapping a shortcut to Alt+F6 (which switches windows of the current app, as Daniel Beck said).

I use the following simple script to do this (I map Alt+` (backquote), which is "!`" in AutoHotKey's syntax:

Send !{F6}

Vista Switcher allows you to switch windows within an application. It even uses Alt+` for the hotkey to do so. Sadly it doesn't work the exact same as Command+Tab when pressing Alt+Tab. Instead it just behaves like regular Windows Alt+Tab.

I found a solution! Follow the instructions here:

And, then if you press windows + # of what place the program is in the task bar, it will switch to the last window of that program. This works best for windows you've pinned to the task bar and therefore know what # they are. For example, windows + 3 switches between my two open chrome windows.