What is the best filesystem for Maildir folders storage? [closed]

Projected volume size is around 1TB,. Filesystem should perform fast when dealing with LOTS of files in every folder.

Snapshots support would be great, for backup purpose, but not compulsory.

It will be created over a hardware RAID 0+1 system, but I hardly doubt this will be an issue.

While I haven't checked out ext4 yet, I'm using xfs with LVM almost everywhere.

You get the snapshots, you get online partition growing, and instant fsck if you do crash. When my mail spool fills up, I'm happy to know its a 30 seconds procedure to fix - assuming your LVM volume group has some free space in it.

LVM running ReiserFS - managed a server storing in the region of 20,000,000 quarantined messages and never skipped a beat.

Plus for reasons I never worked out, the LVM on hardware RAID was faster than native file system access.

There is the potential for an issue with flock, non syncronous updates and Reiser but I never actually ran into it in the best part of 3 years.
