Free, web based alternative to Visio? [closed]

I have used Visio to map out my network structure, and have used the export function to create an HTML page that is searchable by IP, hostname etc. This is a really nice tool and I use it often.

However, I would like for users who do not use Internet Explorer to be able to use the search features. What are some alternatives to Visio here? I want to draw a network diagram where objects are searchable.



I tried Oskar's suggestion by installing the Visio 2010 Beta. I was now able to save the Visio diagrams as SVGs, but the functionality is still not there.

Actually, Visio 2010 now won't export web pages where the search works properly even in VML or IE :( I sent a "frown" to MS about this but I doubt I'll hear back from them.

You could try Gliffy:

There are various online tools in addition to Gliffy mentioned capable of this., Cacoo, Lucidchart and Creately come to mind.