Microsoft word 2003 when I am making deletions or changes they show up on the document in a balloon

I am writing a novel in microsoft word 2003, and I am pretty far into it, but one time I hit a one of the F keys (I don't know which one) by accident.

Now everytime I go on word I have these stupid balloons with writing in them and all my deletions and everything are highlighted shown.

I looked up on google how to stop this and I did as it says, and it worked the balloon with the deletions and all the changes dissapeared, but next time I opened up the document they were back, and they always keep coming back, so when I send my document to anyone it shows them all my deletions and changes I made to the document.

Can anyone help please.


You must have switched on "Track Changes" accidentally. Switching it off will solve your problem.

The shortcut key that toggles Track Changes is Ctrl+Shift+E.

Alternatively, you can turn it off from Tools > Track Changes menu. This is the official page of Microsoft about that issue: Turn on or off change tracking.