Icewind Dale: Party formation

For the first time I have picked up 'Icewind Dale' after playing Baldur's Gate 1 & 2. At the starting screen of Icewind Dale it gives you the option to create up to 6 starting characters.

Is this how the game is supposed to be played? Are there still NPC's throughout the story line that enrich the story by joining your party or are you best left creating your initial party?

Solution 1:

In Icewind Dale, there are no NPCs that join your party. I've seen people try to beat the game solo, but have difficulty due to various spells that can disable a single character. The game is somewhat balanced if you have less than a "full" party, as the xp and gear will be split over fewer party members

Solution 2:

I've never played Icewind Dale, however according to the user me0w on, when asked about the differences between Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate 2:

The differences lie in that in IWD you create your whole party.

Other users in that thread confirm that, so I guess that answers your question - yes, that is how the game is supposed to be played.