Embedding an Excel sheet in an email

Solution 1:

Here are your options:

  • Use the Windows Snipping Tool. You can find it in Start Menu > Accessories. Or access it by clicking Start, typing "snipping tool" in the search box and then pressing Enter. After screengrabbing a part of your sheet, it automatically sends it to the clipboard. Open your email client and then just paste it in the body of your message.

  • MS Excel's Camera tool. To add it to your Quick Access Toolbar, click the MS Office orb > Excel Options > Customize > Choose Commands not in the ribbon from the drop-down menu > Click Camera > Add. To use it, highlight the cell range you wish to include in your email and then click the Camera tool. Click anywhere in your spreadsheet to drop the image, copy it and then paste it in the body of your email.

  • Copy-pasting cells - You may lose some formatting (and even merged cells). Or: Paste Special > Source Formatting. You won't lose anything.

  • Create a duplicate spreadsheet that contains only the values (no formulas) and formatting, and then attach this to your email. I believe recording a macro can help you do this faster.

  • Collaborate online. Upload it to Office Live Workspace and collaborate from there. I think you need Office 2010 for this. You can even use Zoho or Google Docs.

  • Use free online file sharing services like Dropdo, Dropbox, Box.net or Min.us. Upload then embed the link to your file in your email.

Solution 2:

I assume you use Outlook 2007. Can you try to do the following?

1-Go to Insert > Table

2-Excel Spreadsheet

3-Paste your table

4-Make some arrangements like font, color.

I think this solves your problem, at least for now.

Solution 3:

If your eMail client supports colors and graphics, the answer is copy and paste when the client is in html mode. Another option is to get a different client which will support html. I use Outlook 2003 and Eudora and both do this without problems.