A word for the feeling of not being able to stand the smell of alcohol

Is there a word for the feeling someone may have who recently had a blackout or was so hungover that they can't even stand smelling something alcoholic?

You know what I mean; the feeling that makes you throw up if you smell or drink an alcoholic beverage.

Something like alcoholo-phobic?

I don't think you're going to find a word specifically related to alcohol but I may suggest:


[mass noun]
  1a feeling of intense distaste or disgust:
    people talk about the case with a mixture of fascination and repulsion

Although, actually, on further reading:

"Alcoholophobia" does appear to be recognised:

Definition: Morbid fear of alcohol, or of becoming an alcoholic.

Perhaps revulsion

a sudden and unpleasant violent reaction in feeling, esp one of extreme loathing

The medical term is nausea. A feeling of sickness with an inclination to vomit

Nausea in the midst of a hangover strikes whenever you smell, taste, or even look at anything remotely related to food and beverages. A person hungover might say: I can't bear the sight of anything to eat or drink. I just feel too nauseous

wikiHow says this:

One of the main causes of nausea during a hangover is not just because of the alcohol itself (myth), a good portion of it is the low blood sugar ( liver using up all available glucose to process the alcohol) and the increased stomach acid production ( especially if you drank red wine).

Wikipedia states

An alcohol hangover is associated with a variety of symptoms that may include drowsiness, concentration problems, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal complaints, fatigue, sweating, nausea, hyper-excitability, anxiety and a feeling of general discomfort