Android In-App Billing: Purchase state stays "purchased" after order cancelation

Solution 1:

After having waited for about 12 hours and having tried everything suggested here, I was still facing the same issue. What did the trick for me was the following adb command:

adb shell pm clear

Solution 2:

I know this is a year old, but none of the answers/tips presented helped me so I thought I would add my solution.

First, I was experiencing the same issue. Namely, made a test purchase, cancelled it, still received a purchase state indicating valid purchase.

What I forgot was that I recently switched the 'License Test Response' field on the settings pane of the Google Play Developer Console from 'RESPOND_NORMALLY' to 'LICENSED'

After switching it back to 'RESPOND_NORMALLY', the purchase state of the cancelled purchase was correctly returned as such.

So, you might want to check that before you try waiting for days