How to disable autohotkeys for specific programs
Solution 1:
Make a couple of context-sensitive exceptions that remap your key(s) to their default setting for those two programs.
Right-click the AutoHotkey icon in your taskbar and select AutoHotkey's Window Spy to find the ahk_class of the programs you wish to ignore. The ahk_class of the active window shows in the Window Title & Class section at the top of the Window Spy.
If you have the z key remapped in the rest of your system (for example), add the following code to map it back to z in a certain app only (Notepad in this example).
#IfWinActive ahk_class Notepad ; turns on context sensitivity
z::z ; this just maps z to itself
#IfWinActive ; turns back off context sensitivity
More info on AutoHotkey website regarding context sensitive hotkeys:
Solution 2:
You could make a function to check if the current program is one that you'd like to ignore. Then for each of your hotkeys call the function and make a decision based on if it is the application you wish to ignore. The code includes a commented line that returns a variable that is the hotkey if you want it to have its regular behavior.
; Applications you want to disable joystick keybindings
IfWinActive,ahk_class VirtualConsoleClass
Return 1
IfWinActive,ahk_class VIM
return 1
If dont_joystick()
;Do nothing
;Send %A_ThisHotkey% ; sends ^p in this case
Send {Up} ;send hotkey
Where 'VirtualConsoleClass' and 'VIM' are the ahk_classes determined by using Autohotkey's window spy.