Is there a way to get iTerm + Bash usability on Microsoft Windows?

I've been using Bash for years and I really like iTerm. Is there a way to get that level of console usability for Micosoft's Windows cmd?

By that I mean the sane tab completion, history (even if you close the terminal), searching back and so on, and also a terminal I can resize, with tabs, nice fonts, etc.

Solution 1:

Windows PowerShell (Original Server 2003 Link) is probably worth a look, I'm not sure if it has all the features you want but it's certainly a step up. Otherwise, Console is something I've seen my Windows brethren using that has a fair amount of the features you've asked for.

Solution 2:

I had the exact same question. For a while I used Console and it was OK.

However I found out about Git Bash. If you install Git for Windows, you get this app called Git Bash that provides a console window running bash. It's awesome. I've been using it for months.

It may seem counterintuitive to install Git (a version control system) in order to get a decent console but it works.