Intellij IDEA. Hide .iml files

I use Intellij IDEA 12 and I want to hide .iml files in Project view. How I can achieve this?

Check “Ignored files and folders” in File Types settings:

File | Settings | Editor | File Types for Windows and Linux

IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences | Editor | File Types for OS X

Then add *.iml;*.idea; in the text box in the bottom:

Hide Files and Folders in Intellij

For Intellij IDEA 13 on OS X 10.9, do this:

  • Go to Intellij IDEA > Preferences.
  • Scroll down to the IDE Settings section, go to File Types.
  • Add *.iml and .idea to the Ignore files and folders list box at the bottom of this window.

The project navigator will be much cleaner!

I hope it helps!

  • Go to File -> Settings -> File Types
  • Append *.iml to the list below "Ignore files and folders" (located at the bottom of the dialog)