VisualStudio installs "Shared components, tools, and SDKs" only on C: drive

So I already looked up on the Microsoft page how to fix the problem that it will just install to my C: drive but that didn't help. I tried what they said, what was to just set the other 2 options (Visual Studio IDE and Download Cache) on another drive and installed it but it still filled up my C: drive. The "Shared components, tools, and SDKs" alsoe never changed from the C: drive on where it tells me where it will be installed and even though its a field like the other changeable two I cant change it. Ive also put the thing what they just call "Location" on my desired drive. How can I fix that?

Solution 1:

If anyone is having the issue of changing this path then I have found the answer.

  1. Type "regedit" in the search on your Windows 10 PC (or in your run if lower version I think)
  2. Navigate to the following: Computer / HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Visual Studio / Setup
  3. Double click the file "SharedInstallationPath" and change the value in there.

Be very careful in the registry editor