Mac like MultiTouch support

Solution 1:


Touchégg is a “multitouch gesture recognizer” for Linux, written in C++ , with Qt and utilizing Ubuntu’s uTouch-geis library. It allows users to define what actions are initiated when a multi-touch gesture is made.
Providing the desired gesture is recognised by Touchégg you can assign one of a number of window-related actions to it, including maximize or minimize windows, resize apps, show the desktop, etc.
Setting the ‘actions’ you want is currently achieved through the manual editing of a small configuration file.

Touchegg comes with some pre-enabled gestures, however gestures can be enabled by editing the config file. It allows three-fingers pinch, two, three, four and five finger tap and two to four finger swipes.

Note: It is having issue with precise. A bug is reported here and here


You need the latest vesion of Utouch to be running this. So add the following PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:utouch-team/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install utouch  


In Quantal (12.10), Precise (12.04) and Oneric (11.10) the package is in the repositories as shown here

Editing the config file

Config file is located here

Editing the config file:

gedit ~/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf

In the example below, the four finger drag gesture is configured to switch to Show Desktop

Four Fingers Drag


Three Fingers Drag



List of more actions here

Thus you can get Mac like multi-touch experience on Linux systems.

Check out a demonstation video here and here

Which gestures are supported?

The following gestures are suppoted

Other alternatives
