An Army of Greed - Henrik and Wulf are stuck

Solution 1:

Ok, after a couple of weeks I wanted to play again and the bug was still there. I reloaded and now it works, so here is my tipp for anyone else who meets this bug:

Problem: I FIRST unleashed Henrik and his "family" (sneaked in the house) and fought after that against the bandits. I think that was the problem, but I'm not sure. After you kill the bandits, you get a quest "unleash them". I did this before I killed the bandits and I think the game couldn't handle this.

Solution: Kill all bandits, THEN unleash the others. :)

If it's already to late for you, I think reloading an old savegame will be inevitable.

Solution 2:

I had this problem several times. The first time I was in god mode because I was tired of dealing with the all the crap just getting down to the docks (but that's not important). I tried again out of god mode to see if that did anything, but it didn't; and my third attempt was the same. Now each time I tried this, I entered the dock area by going down the hill through the gap between the building and the rocky area.

But the fourth time, I entered the dock area along the shoreline. I also read the phrase "Kill the bandits at the docks" literally, meaning kill the bandits in the area of the docks (because I was fighting the bandits on the hill rather than in the docks), and it worked. I also didn't use any shouts or destruction spells the fourth time (I had been during my other three attempts). I kited them around the firepit (using my axe, shield, and conjured bow) and used fast healing.

Long story short: enter dock area along the shore, kill bandits in dock area, don't use shouts or destruction spells.

I hope this was helpful, sorry about the long explanation.