How do I unlock scenes?

Are scenes only unlocked from bitizens with a "?", or any bitizen may trigger them?

Because I'm at level 25, and I don't remember the bitizen that triggered my only scene.

Solution 1:

As of version 1.1.1932, there are 26 cutscenes. Scenes are triggered by dropping off unique characters with the '?' in the elevator to a specific floor [as also mentioned in an answer per this question].

A prime example is delivering the sticky buns Leia to the interrogation floor.

You can view your cutscenes anytime by going to your album and selecting the cutscenes tab.


Solution 2:

  • IG-88 or Chewie on HoloChess;
  • IG-88, Gand, or Boba Fett (or any bounty hunter) for Bounty Hunters;
  • Luke, Han, Leia, or Chewie on Detention Level;
  • Luke or Leia (normal) on extending Bridge;
  • Gungan on Mos Espa Cafe;
  • Boba Fett or Han on Cloud City Spa;
  • Obi Wan on Tractor Beam;
  • Leia (normal) or Interrogation Droid on Interrogation;
  • Imperial Gunner on Superlaser Tunnel;
  • Luke, Han, Chewie, or Leia (normal) on Trash Compactor;
  • Ewok on Imperial Museum (this one is hilarious, Yub Nub);
  • Gungan or Pit Droid on Watto's Wares;
  • Obi-Wan on Blast Doors;
  • Chadra-Fan on Holonet Cineplex;
  • Han or Greedo on Cantina;
  • Luke (Hoth) on Scoop of Hoth;
  • Luke or Obi Wan on Training Remotes;
  • Luke on Tatooine Apts;
  • Leia on Droid Lab;
  • R5-D4 on Droid Store; -Mon Calamari on Mon Cala Aquarium;

And I'm not sure about these, but I'm predicting:

  • Yoda or Luke on Dagobah Apts;
  • Vader on Vader Meditation;
  • Imperial officer or Vader on Imperial Meeting Room;