Is it possible to give a crew member "admin privileges"?

Me and my friend are together in a Crew.
Now he's away for 2 month in the holidays and doesn't have time to edit our crew stuff. He also doesn't know how to allow me, so that I can edit the crew stuff.

So it is possible to give another crew member "admin privileges"? If so, how can he give me these privileges?

Yes, it is possible.

Your friend will need to promote you within the crew. Have him log in to social club, and go to the "Manage crew" tab. There, he can promote/demote members. At the commissioner level, you should be able to manage most everything in the crew that you need.

Yes this is possible, Just have him promote you to commissioner via Rockstar Games Social club, under manage crew (below is the breakdown of the all member level privilages).

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