How to avoid google chrome proxy bypass for localhost?

Finally I've found a tricky solution for this. It was clear from the beginning that this is a browser issue, since I was able to make requests with curl --proxy.

The trick is that the DNS resolution also happens through the proxy, therefore on the remote machine. So just add a new entry to your remote /etc/hosts file:       local

Then you can access the remote "localhost" on your local machine, since Chrome knows nothing about this new host name. For example by: http://local:8080/mysite.

chrome.exe --proxy-server="socks5://localhost:12345" --proxy-bypass-list="<-loopback>"

this will work for localhost,, not tested, but assume),etc...

For Windows10, this is a System issue, that localhost will always goto current PC, and won't go through proxy.

U can set this in the OS's proxy setting to force localhost go proxy.

  • Open the OS's proxy setting
  • Ensure your proxy server(host & port) are set.
  • Below, there will be a input for you, says Use the proxy server except for address that start with the following entries. Use semicolons(;) to separate entries
  • Add <-loopback> into that input.
  • Save.

Then your request of localhost to go under proxy.


  • Though broswers will bypass localhost by default, the CMD will work even without this setting. curl -x http://{proxyserIp}:{proxyPort} http://localhost:3000
  • If u r using some browser extension(like SwitchyOmega), u can also add <-loopback into it's Bypass list, this still works.
