What Task and Time Management tools are available?

Is there a package to install in a server for task/time management? I want to create activities and add milestones to those activities, maybe it can have graphics reports too.

I'd like to install it in a server and to use it from other PCs, not local. (a web interfase).

Maybe something like Klock

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How about Gnome Planner? http://live.gnome.org/Planner

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Another one is TaskJuggler: http://www.taskjuggler.org alt text

If you already use KOffice then KPlato is there for you: http://www.kde.org/applications/office/kplato/

Last but not least, for only task management there is http://ginatrapani.github.com/todo.txt-cli/ One of my favorite, a command line utility, really awesome!

Maybe Tine 2.0 is an option, it has a very good calendar and task module. Horde Groupware can be good as well. If you need project management, PHProjekt may be worth a look.

One more suggestion:

TSheets time tracker - the reports generated in this app are extremely helpful