Can't bind cmd+\ to "Move focus to next window", but I can bind it to other actions... why?

I just reinstalled OSX 10.8, and I've encountered an incredibly odd behaviour: binding cmd+\ to "Move focus to next window" doesn't work (if I hit it, I get the "pop" error sound). However, binding it to other actions works, and binding other combinations to that action also works.

This makes no sense to me.

I would rather keep using this shortcut, as I'm quite used to it and I hit it often.

Does someone have any clue?

P.S. in case it might help: this did work in my previous 10.8 install.

Update: doesn't work in 10.10 either: I don't get the "pop" error sound anymore, but it just does nothing.

Solution 1:

For what it is worth, I am able to bind +\ to Move Focus to Active or Next Window in Mavericks, and it works fine for switching between Finder windows.

move focus

(It doesn't help your situation except to indicate that this might be a bug...)

If you are trying to use it in another application besides the Finder, does the standard +` work?

I have the Full Keyboard Access option below that set to text boxes only:

keyboard access

EDIT: Reassigning +\ to "Move focus to next window" also works fine for me.

You are probably onto something with the backslash causing the problem, since defaults write -globalDomain NSUserKeyEquivalents -dict-add "Move focus to next window" '@\' gives an error Could not parse: "@\". Try single-quoting it. and trying to escape it with a backslash results in a strange dictionary assignment:

$ defaults read -globalDomain NSUserKeyEquivalents
    "Move focus to next window" = "@\\\\";