30 Bitizens Move In Quest Issue
In Tiny Death Star I have the mission to have 30 bitizens move in. I have since made it to 35 total and I still have not received credit for completing this mission. Is there a secret to finishing this? Or is it some kind of bug?
How do I finish this mission?
Solution 1:
Missions do not start with what you currently have. If you already had 35 bitzens moved in, then it will take an additional 30 to complete this mission.
There would be 2 ways to complete this mission.
Option 1:
Evict 30 residents and fill those vacancies with new bitzensOption 2:
Build 6 more resident floors( 6 floors x 5 spaces = 30) and fill those vacancies with new bitzens
Solution 2:
I think this is a bug. I have 55 bitizens now and the quest still has not completed. I'm pretty sure I had 25 or less when the quest started. Lots have moved in and out in that time.